by Deb Gale

No matter what age, a sense of purpose is a powerful driver of satisfaction and happiness. It enhances a sense of self, providing clarity and direction in both personal and professional lives. In the context of a whole-life career, purpose becomes even more critical, as it ties directly to longevity benefits and overall well-being.
The labor market has never been more robust for older individuals, thanks to demographic and social changes. As life expectancy increases, so does the potential for longer, more fulfilling careers. This shift challenges the traditional retirement age and opens up opportunities for continued professional growth and contribution. Age, after all, affects us all—it is the inevitable consequence of being alive. Sadly, many employers dismiss older employees and applicants, often robbing them of an important aspect of their life purpose–financial well-being.
Younger workers are the older workers of the future. Therefore, it is essential to consider the kind of workplace they will want to age in. Today’s ageist workplaces, where older employees may face discrimination and limited opportunities, must evolve. Creating an inclusive environment that values experience and promotes intergenerational collaboration is crucial for fostering a sense of purpose and satisfaction for all employees, regardless of age.
Know Thyself: The Foundation of Satisfaction
To increase satisfaction in both work and life, it is vital to know oneself. Identity, intent, action, and reflection are the cornerstones of this self-awareness.
Identity: This is how you see yourself and the skills and capabilities you bring to work and life every day. Reflect on questions like: What do I most care about? What do I stand for? What do I value and believe in? Understanding your identity is the first step towards finding your purpose.
Intent: Intent represents what you want to achieve, the person you want to become, or the legacy you wish to leave. It provides a clear sense of direction and motivates you to pursue your goals.
Action: Action is what you do to achieve your intent. When your actions align with your identity, you can fulfill your intentions more effectively. This alignment is crucial for maintaining a sense of purpose and achieving long-term satisfaction.
Reflection: Reflection involves analyzing, sharing, and testing what you’re working on by pausing to really reflect on your goals and progress. This process helps refine your purpose and ensures that your actions continue to align with your identity and intent.
The Longevity Benefit of Purpose
Having a strong sense of life purpose is not just about career satisfaction; it also correlates with decreased mortality. Studies have shown that individuals with a clear sense of purpose tend to live longer, healthier lives. This connection underscores the importance of purpose in contributing to overall well-being and longevity.
In a whole-life career, purpose serves as a guiding force, driving individuals to seek meaningful and fulfilling work throughout their lives. This approach encourages continuous learning, skill development, and adaptability, which are essential in a rapidly changing job market. Older workers, in particular, can benefit from this mindset, as it allows them to remain active, engaged, and valuable contributors to the workforce.
Moreover, a purpose-driven career promotes mental and emotional health, reducing the risk of burnout and dissatisfaction. By focusing on what truly matters and aligning professional pursuits with personal values, individuals can achieve a deeper sense of fulfillment and happiness.
A sense of purpose is a vital ingredient for satisfaction and happiness at all stages of life. In the context of a whole-life career, it offers significant longevity benefits, fostering a healthier, more fulfilling life. As the labor market evolves to accommodate longer careers, embracing purpose-driven work will be key to creating inclusive, dynamic workplaces that support the well-being of all employees. By knowing ourselves, setting clear intentions, taking aligned actions, and reflecting on our progress, we can harness the power of purpose to achieve lasting satisfaction and happiness–but only if employers root out ageist narratives and benefit from talent across the age spectrum.
Deb Gale is a gerontologist researcher and co-founder of the Purpose Xchange. She was a keynote speaker at AEA’s 2023 Fall Forum, The Longevity Advantage: Transforming a Workplace for All Ages.
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