For the last 3 years, we’ve planned a virtual education forum touching on the most pressing topics about age and ageing at work. This year, our global forum will be hosted in the Americas, Europe, and Asia Pacific Oct. 15 – 17.
Our Sponsors

Age Equity Alliance is proud to announce Valuegraphics as the Select Global Sponsor.
Valuegraphic profiling pinpoints precisely the shared values of whoever you want to reach. Once you know what people value, you know how to engage and influence them. Because it’s a neurological truth: we are all values-driven

Age Equity Alliance is proud to announce Barlow Consulting as our Event Sponsor.
Barlow Consulting is a group of seasoned experts certified in a variety of DISC, assessment and communication tools to meet individual’s, team’s and organization’s needs. They work with Fortune 500 and FTSE 1000 as well as small- and medium-sized companies.
What Today’s Leaders Need to Know
As business leaders navigating an ever-evolving global landscape, we are all confronted with the critical challenge of talent sustainability. Around the world, the workforce demographic is shifting—marked by an increasing number of older workers and a declining pool of younger talent ready to step into key roles.
The issue is not the fact that people are living longer; it’s employer reluctance to hire, develop, and retain talent across all age groups. This reluctance is most often based on unfounded stereotypes, bias, and outdated “retirement” ideaology.
It hurts the work culture. And, it hurts your business.
Age Equity Alliance has designed a transformative 3-day event for leaders and change makers like you, scheduled in time zones around the world. This event will deepen your understanding of The Whole Life Career approach and the Longevity Mindset Benefit, equipping you with the insights to thrive in this new era of workforce dynamics.
Tuesday, October 15: Americas
9 am-1:00pm Pacific / Noon-4 pm EST / 5 pm-9 pm WET
*Times below denoted in Pacific Standard Time
9:00 – 9:10 – Opening Remarks, Sheila Callaham, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Age Equity Alliance.
9:10 – 9:35 – Welcome Keynote, Bobby Duffy, Professor of Public Policy and Director of the Policy Institute. His latest book The Generation Myth: Why When You’re Born Matters Less Than You Think, published November 2021 challenges, myths, and stereotypes around generational trends, seeking a greater understanding around generational challenges. Last 5 mins. Q&A.
9:35 – 9:50 – Insight Report, Lin Shi, Principal, Global Consulting at Mercer will speak on the collaboration with the World Economic Forum as lead author of WEF’s insight report Longevity Economy Principles: The Foundation for a Financially Resilient Future, published Jan., 2024.
9:50 – 10:05 – Insight Report, Andrew Davis, principal for Deloitte Consulting LLP’s Health Care practice, will speak on Deloitte’s insight report How Employers Can Spark a Movement to Help us Live Longer and Healthier Lives, published June 2023.
10:05 – 10:20 – Insight Report, Mona Mourshed, Founder and CEO for Generation will speak on Generation’s collaboration with the OECD on the report The Mid-Career Opportunity – Meeting the Challenges of an Ageing Workforce, published October 2023.
10:20 – 10:45 – Panel Discussion, Led by Ashton Applewhite with Lin Shi, Andrew Davis, and Mona Mourshed. Insight reports and data make very interesting conversations. But the rubber hits the road when companies move into action. So, what are they waiting for?
10:45 – 11:05 – Keynote: Addressing Ageism in Media, Eddie Prentiss, Executive Creative Director for Stratacomm & Founder CreAGELESS The community for professionals over 40. His presentation will focus on ageism in media, from TV ads to influencers on social media, and the goal for creating a cultural shift to respect and reflect the diversity of experiences and contributions of all ages. Last 5 mins. Q&A.
11:05 – 11:25 – Keynote: Tear Down This (Generational) Chart!, Janine Vanderburg, Encore Roadmap, will discuss how generational stereotyping in the workplace—popularized in generational differences charts and consulting—reflects and reinforces societal ageist assumptions made about younger and older people, and interferes with team problem-solving, productivity and profitability. Janine will also share some tools and exercises for employers who want to leverage the benefits of all-aged teams. Last 5 mins. Q&A.
11:25 – 12:00 – Legal Discussion: How Companies Can Reduce Workplace Ageism, led by Megan Dean with Mahir Nisar and Peter Romer-Friedman. In this roundtable discussion, Megan will draw on the expertise of employment attorneys Mahir Nisar and Peter Romer-Friedman to address how companies can reduce workplace ageism. Learn from real-world examples and legal cases that highlight successful approaches to combating ageism.
12:00 – 12:25 – Age Equity Alliance: the Longevity Mindset Index, Sydney Barcus, AEA Board of Directors. Across the globe, countries report increased longevity, combined with decades-long decreased birth rates–a demographic duo challenging employer talent sustainability. To offset the decreasing talent pipeline, leaders must pivot policies, procedures, and workplace culture to facilitate the new “whole life career” model and to benefit from a longevity mindset advantage. Last 5 mins. Q&A.
12:25 – 12:50 – Closing Keynote: How Values Will Shape the Future, David Allison, Human Values Expert. After a million surveys in 152 languages, human values expert David Allison is a global authority on who people are and why they do the things they do. His data proves that demographics like age tell us nothing about who people are; they merely tell us what people are. In this keynote, David will share what he’s learned about people–and how to engage them–across all industries, disciplines, and demographics. Last 5 mins. Q&A.
12:50 – Closing Remarks and Access to Resources
Wednesday, October 16 – Europe
9 am-12:15 pm Western European Time
9:00 – 9:10 Welcome and Opening Remarks, Sheila Callaham, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Age Equity Alliance.
9:10 – 9:35 – Opening Keynote: A New Age of Talent: Leading Beyond the ‘Retirement Myths’, Dr. Daniel Jolles, London School of Economics. Rather than ‘retirement’ representing the end of our careers, the majority of ‘retirees’ are now using this time as an opportunity to work more flexibly, change roles, or invest in new business ventures. In this talk, Dr. Jolles will discuss his latest research, focusing on the new age of talent and retirement, critiquing the key ‘retirement myths’ and demonstrating how leaders can invest to secure the best talent and improve everyone’s health, wellbeing and longevity. (Last 5 mins Q&A)
9:35 – 10:00 – Insights Report, Shruti Singh, Senior Economist, OECD, will speak on the OECD collaboration with Generation on the report The Mid-Career Opportunity – Meeting the Challenges of an Ageing Workforce, published October 2023. The report shows the increasing need for policies and practices that support mid-career workers in skill development and career transitions and actionable strategies for organizations to adapt and thrive amidst demographic shifts. (Last 5 mins Q&A)
10:00 – 10:25 – Insight Report, Graham Pearce, Principal, Multinational Client Group, Mercer, will speak on the collaboration with the World Economic Forum’s insight report Longevity Economy Principles: The Foundation for a Financially Resilient Future, published Jan., 2024. Graham will delve into the economic opportunities presented by an ageing population and explore the key principles for building financial resilience and leveraging the longevity economy. (Last 5 mins Q&A)
10:25 – 10:50 – Keynote: AI and Longevity: Crafting Careers that Stand the Test of Time, Claire Farwell, AI Claire. Dive into the world of AI and its impact on career longevity. This session will cover how AI supports career sustainability and growth across all ages, creating a vibrant, multi-generational workforce. Ideal for organizational leaders and talent advisors, learn to harness AI for innovation, productivity, and a culture of continuous learning. (Last 5 mins Q&A)
10:50 – 11:15 – Keynote: Ageism in the Spotlight: Media’s Role in Redefining Age Perceptions, Claudia Vaccarone, inclusion, gender and diversity in media advisor. The session addresses the intrinsic ageism in the media and its broader cultural impact. Claudia will explore how media representations shape societal perceptions of ageing and older adults, often perpetuating stereotypes and discrimination. It will provide insights into the role of journalists, content creators, and brands in crafting more accurate and respectful portrayals of all ages. Attendees will learn media literacy foundations to recognize and interrupt age bias in language, portrayal and any content. (Last 5 mins Q&A)
11:15 – 11:40 – Age Equity Alliance: The Longevity Mindset Index, Ana Coura, Researcher, Age Equity Alliance. Across the globe, countries report increased longevity, combined with decades-long decreased birth rates–a demographic duo challenging employer talent sustainability. To offset the decreasing talent pipeline, leaders must pivot policies, procedures, and workplace culture to facilitate the new “whole life career” model and to benefit from a longevity mindset advantage. Ana and Ali will explain why Age Equity Alliance’s new Longevity Mindset Index will give leaders the insights they need to insure talent sustainability today and in the future. (Last 5 mins. Q&A.)
11:40 – 12:05 – Closing Keynote, Unlocking Potential: The Power of Age Diversity in the Workplace, Dr. Vânia de la Fuente-Núñez, medical doctor, anthropologist, and public health expert. This keynote explores the critical need for employers to be responsive to society and changing demographics. Join us to discover how embracing age diversity can drive innovation, productivity, and long-term success for your organization. And learn what it is you need to do to create inclusive work environments that harness talent across all stages of life, driving both social impact and organizational success. (Last 5 mins Q&A)
12:05 – 12:15 – Closing Remarks and Access to Resources
Thursday, October 17 – Asia Pacific
9:00-11:30 am Singapore
9:00 – 9:10- Welcome and Opening Remarks, Sheila Callaham, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Age Equity Alliance.
9:10 – 9:35 – Opening Keynote: A Collective Approach to Integrating Older Workers, Ee Ke Chew, Founder & Principal Consultant, Lead Human-Centered Development, Singapore. Ee-Ke will speak about integrating older workers at work and dealing with potentially conflicting tensions among stakeholders. He will share insights into how a reframe of the tension is able to create a shared purpose and collective impact, and allow for effective strategies for leveraging the experience and expertise of older employees while fostering intergenerational collaboration and enhancing productivity and innovation. (Last 5 mins Q&A)
9:35 – 10:00 – Keynote: Building an Ecosystem for Workplace Longevity, Abby Bloom, Co-Founder PrimeLife Partners, Australia. Abby will delve into how longevity is requiring organisations to reframe and respond effectively to the needs of their people in the face of sweeping demographic changes. Successful organisations will be those that create an ecosystem that supports workplace longevity. We need to foster a culture of inclusivity, continuous learning, and proactive health and wellbeing initiatives for all employees. Join us to explore how leading companies attract, retain and engage their employees by enabling them to thrive in a workplace that supports them at every stage of their careers. (Last 5 mins Q&A)
10:00 – 10:25 – Insight Report, Joan Collar, Marsh McLennan Chief Commercial Officer, Asia, will speak on the insight report resulting from the collaboration between Mercer (a subsidiary of Marsh McLennan) and the World Economic Forum. In this insights report, Joan will delve into the economic opportunities presented by an ageing population and explore the key principles for building financial resilience and leveraging the longevity economy. Attendees will gain insights into strategies for businesses and policymakers to adapt to demographic changes, unlock the potential of older adults as consumers and contributors, and highlight actionable steps to create a sustainable and inclusive financial future. Based on the report: Longevity Economy Principles: The Foundation for a Financially Resilient Future, published Jan., 2024.
10:25 – 10:50 – The Longevity Mindset Index, Sydney Barcus, AEA Board of Directors and Ana Coura, Researcher, Age Equity Alliance. Across the globe, countries report increased longevity, combined with decades-long decreased birth rates–a demographic duo challenging employer talent sustainability. To offset the decreasing talent pipeline, leaders must pivot policies, procedures, and workplace culture to facilitate the new “whole life career” model and to benefit from a longevity mindset advantage. Ana and Ali will explain why Age Equity Alliance’s new Longevity Mindset Index will give leaders the insights they need to insure talent sustainability today and in the future. (Last 5 mins. Q&A.)
10:50 – 11:15 – Closing Keynote: Ensuring Talent Thrives: Strategies for Sustainable Workforces, David Tarr, CEO and Founder at Maturious, Australia. Discover how mature-age talent and companies can flourish through innovative talent strategies. Explore customised pathways for hiring and retaining mature-age workers, ensuring resilience and success in today’s dynamic workplace landscape. (Last 5 mins. Q&A)
11:15 – Closing Remarks and Access to Resources
Speaker Bios & Presentation Descriptions

David Allison is a human values expert, international speaker and 2X best-selling author focused on changing how we understand ourselves and those around us. Founder of the Valuegraphics Project–the first global inventory of core human values–David transformed human values into measurable data, creating new human-centric insights. His work is included in college textbooks worldwide and has been featured in HBR, Forbes, and INC Magazine. His latest book “The Death of Demographics” is an in-depth explanation of his work and its impact.
Nobody Acts Their Age Anymore, 15 October
It’s time for a new way to look at people. After a million surveys in 152 languages, human values expert David Allison is a global authority on who people are and why they do the things they do. Instead of outdated demographic stereotypes, he’s created a new set of insights called valuegraphics–now included in textbooks used worldwide and embraced by companies like PayPal, Google, lululemon, and the United Nations Foundation. His data proves that demographics like age tell us nothing about who people are; they merely tell us what people are. In this keynote, David will share what he’s learned about people–and how to engage them–across all industries, disciplines, and demographics.

Ashton Applewhite is an internationally recognized expert on ageism, Ashton is the author of “This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism.” She speaks widely at venues that have included the TED mainstage and the United Nations, and is at the forefront of the emerging movement to raise awareness of ageism and to dismantle it.
Insights Report Facilitator – with Deloitte, Generation/OECD, and Mercer, 15 October
TED speaker, author, and global age activist Ashton Applewhite will facilitate a roundtable discussion with “Insights” speakers Lin Shi, Mercer; Andrew Davis, Deloitte; and Mona Mourshed, Generation. They will discuss what actions leaders should consider taking now, rather than later.

Sydney Barcus is a recognized expert in organizational transformation with a doctorate degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and a certificate in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. As an executive in various Fortune 500 companies, she facilitated strategic and sustainable change in Manufacturing, Energy, Transportation, Healthcare, Retail, and Hospitality. Sydney is the co-founder of Barcus Performance Solutions where she is a trusted advisor and coach channeling data science prowess to unleash superior performance.
Age Equity Alliance: the Longevity Mindset Index, 15 & 17 October
Across the globe, countries report increased longevity, combined with decades-long decreased birth rates–a demographic duo challenging employer talent sustainability. To offset the decreasing talent pipeline, leaders must pivot policies, procedures, and workplace culture to facilitate the new “whole life career” model and to benefit from a longevity mindset advantage. Sydney will explain why Age Equity Alliance’s new Longevity Mindset Index will give leaders the insights they need to insure talent sustainability today and in the future.

Abby Bloom is the Co-FounderCo-Founder PrimeLife Partners, a company dedicated to accelerating innovation, investment and commercialisation for longevity and care. Its unique combination of services, products and initiatives is designed to catalyse and foster social impact through sustainable innovation in Australia and globally
Building an Ecosystem for Workplace Longevity, 17 October
In this 20-minute keynote we will delve into how longevity is requiring organisations to reframe and respond effectively to the needs of their people in the face of sweeping demographic changes. Successful organisations will be those that create an ecosystem that supports workplace longevity. We need to foster a culture of inclusivity, continuous learning, and proactive health and wellbeing initiatives for all employees. Join us to explore how leading companies attract, retain and engage their employees by enabling them to thrive in a workplace that supports them at every stage of their careers.

Sheila Callaham is a co-founder and executive director for Age Equity Alliance, a US-based nonprofit working globally to create best-in-class workplaces for all ages.
Sheila is experienced in corporate communications, public relations and culture change across private, public and non-profit sectors in the U.S., Europe and the Middle East. She is a passionate educator and believes employers who proactively build a diverse, age equitable workplace are in the best position to succeed in the future of work.
Event Emcee, 15 – 17 October
Nothing brings Sheila more pleasure than than taking participants through hours of expert teachers, speakers, and discussions. Her experience in hosting large events lends itself to the continued high marks and engagement particpants give to the Age Equity Fall Forums. If you haven’t already registered, don’t delay!

Ee-Ke Chew is the Founder & Principal Consultant for Lead Human-Centered Development. As an HR leader with extensive business and management experiences, Ee-Ke is a practiced coach and an expert practitioner of organization development and behaviour, my area of speciality lies within strategy development towards building a strong and healthy organization and the design and implementation of key interventions to support that strategy.
A Collective Approach to Integrating Older Workers, 17 October
Integrating older workers at work requires dealing with potentially conflicting tensions among stakeholders. Gain insights into how a reframe of the tension is able to create a shared purpose and collective impact, and allow for effective strategies for leveraging the experience and expertise of older employees while fostering intergenerational collaboration and enhancing productivity and innovation.

Joan Collar is the Chief Operating Officer, Asia, for Marsh McLennan. Previously, she led the Employee Benefits practice for Mercer Marsh Benefits in Asia Pacific for 16 years, delivering health care, cost containment, flexible benefits, and championing inclusivity benefits in the workplace across Asia.
Longevity Economy Principles: The Foundation for a Financially Resilient Future, 17 October
In this insights report, Joan will delve into the economic opportunities presented by an ageing population and explore the key principles for building financial resilience and leveraging the longevity economy. Attendees will gain insights into strategies for businesses and policymakers to adapt to demographic changes, unlock the potential of older adults as consumers and contributors, and highlight actionable steps to create a sustainable and inclusive financial future.

Ana Coura is a Brazilian psychology student completing her bachelors degree at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro in Portugal. She is fascinated by psychometrics and psychological assessment in adult development. As an AEA volunteer, she supports our research efforts, assists with translations, and develops podcasts to amplify our messaging.
Age Equity Alliance: the Longevity Mindset Index, 16 October
Across the globe, countries report increased longevity, combined with decades-long decreased birth rates–a demographic duo challenging employer talent sustainability. To offset the decreasing talent pipeline, leaders must pivot policies, procedures, and workplace culture to facilitate the new “whole life career” model and to benefit from a longevity mindset advantage. Ana will explain why Age Equity Alliance’s new Longevity Mindset Index will give leaders the insights they need to insure talent sustainability today and in the future.

Andrew Davis is a principal for Deloitte Consulting LLP’s Health Care practice, with over 15 years of experience as a leader in the health actuarial practice, driving change across the ecosystem with payers, providers, and life sciences companies. He is known for bringing an understanding of how to quantify the economic value of services to members, patients, and customers.
How Employers Can Spark a Movement to Help Us Live Longer and Healthier Lives, 15 October
Andrew will share insights from Deloitte’s 2023 study on how employers can drive a movement towards longer, healthier lives. Attendees will learn actionable strategies to promote well-being, including implementing comprehensive health programs, fostering a culture of wellness, and supporting work-life balance. By prioritizing employee health, organizations can enhance productivity, reduce healthcare costs, and create a more engaged workforce. Discover how your organization can be a catalyst for positive change, benefiting both employees and the broader community.

Megan Dean is the founder for HireUp Talent. She is a dynamic and motivated Senior HR professional with more than 25 years of experience in HR, in a variety of settings including Higher Ed, Healthcare and Financial Services. Megan is focused on aligning business strategies with best in class human capital strategies, such as Employee Engagement, Employee Relations, Org Development, Performance Management, Benefits/Compensation, and Leave of Absence Administration.
Legal Discussion Facilitator: How Companies Can Reduce Workplace Ageism, 15 October
In this roundtable discussion, Megan will draw on the expertise of employment attorneys Mahir Nisar and Peter Romer-Friedman to address how companies can reduce workplace ageism. Dialog will touch on insights into legal frameworks, best practices for preventing age discrimination, and strategies for fostering an inclusive work environment. Learn from real-world examples and legal cases that highlight successful approaches to combating ageism. Join us for a compelling discussion on creating a workplace where employees of all ages are valued and respected.

Bobby Duffy is Professor of Public Policy and Director of the Policy Institute. He has worked across most public policy areas in his career of 30 years in policy research and evaluation, including being seconded to the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit. Duffy previously directed public affairs and global research at Ipsos MORI and the Ipsos Social Research Institute, which ran the world’s largest study of public perception. He is the author of The Generation Myth: Why When You’re Born Matters Less Than You Think and Why We’re Wrong About Nearly Everything: A Theory of Human Misunderstanding.
The Generation Myth: Why When You’re Born Matters Less Than You Think, 15 October
In this 20-minute keynote, Dr. Duffy will explore the insights from “The Generation Myth: Why When You’re Born Matters Less Than You Think.” Attendees will discover how generational stereotypes and misconceptions can hinder workplace collaboration and innovation as he delves into the science behind these myths and offers strategies to foster a more inclusive and understanding work environment. Join us to challenge your assumptions and learn how to bridge generational divides for a more cohesive and productive team.

Claire Farwell, founder of AI Claire, is a renowned AI educator and strategist, leveraging her extensive experience across industries to demystify AI for companies worldwide. Fluent in four languages and having worked in over 20 countries, Claire brings a global perspective and a deep understanding of cross-cultural business practices to AI Claire. Her company is at the forefront of making AI knowledge accessible and engaging for all, bridging the gap between the technical and the non-technical, and catering to learners of all ages.
Leveraging AI and Longevity: Crafting Careers that Stand the Test of Time, 16 October
Dive into the world of AI and its impact on career longevity. This session will cover how AI supports career sustainability and growth across all ages, creating a vibrant, multi-generational workforce. Ideal for organizational leaders and talent advisors, learn to harness AI for innovation, productivity, and a culture of continuous learning.

Dr. Vânia de la Fuente-Núñez is a medical doctor, anthropologist, and public health expert with over a decade of dedicated experience in addressing critical global issues, particularly focusing on ageing and combatting ageism. Working with international organizations, government agencies, research institutions, NGOs, and the private sector, Dr. de la Fuente-Núñez has demonstrated expertise in navigating complex challenges and opportunities related not only to ageing but also to epidemics and outbreaks, and health research and development.
Unlocking Potential: The Power of Age Diversity in the Workplace, 16 October
This keynote explores the critical need for employers to be responsive to society and changing demographics. Join us to discover how embracing age diversity can drive innovation, productivity, and long-term success for your organization. And learn what it is you need to do to create inclusive work environments that harness talent across all stages of life, driving both social impact and organizational success.

Dr. Daniel Jolles is a Post-doctoral Researcher in Behavioural Science at The Inclusion Initiative (TII) at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and an Academic Advisor at AEA. His research focuses on applying behavioural science to questions of generations, age-diversity, and the ageing workforce. Dr Jolles’ research has been published in international scientific journals and is aimed at helping organisations create productive and inclusive multigenerational workforces.
A New Age of Talent: Leading Beyond the ‘Retirement Myths’, 16 October
The rapidly ageing workforce is forcing leaders to think beyond traditional career trajectories. In the UK and US, the fastest-growing talent segment is now workers aged 55+. Rather than ‘retirement’ representing the end of our careers, the majority of ‘retirees’ are now using ‘retirement’ as an opportunity to work more flexibly, change roles, or invest in new business ventures. Longer lives should have us all aiming for longer, fulfilling careers. Yet, too many careers are still being cut short by leaders who subscribe to fading ‘retirement myths’. In this talk, Dr Jolles will discuss his latest research, focusing on the new age of talent and retirement, critiquing the key ‘retirement myths’ and demonstrating how leaders can invest to secure the best talent and improve everyone’s health, wellbeing and longevity.

Dr. Mona Mourshed is the global founding CEO of Generation. She has decades of experience as a leader in the education and workforce space, starting in the Middle East and expanding to countries across the world. She has authored widely cited reports and articles on education and workforce, and has more recently focused on social sector impact measurement. Mona previously founded and led McKinsey & Company’s global education practice.
The Mid-Career Opportunity: Meeting the Challenges of An Ageing Workforce, 15 October
Mona Mourshed will cover highlights from “The Mid-Career Opportunity: Meeting the Challenges of An Ageing Workforce,” a collaboration between Generation and the OECD. The report highlights the increasing need for policies and practices that support mid-career workers in skill development and career transitions. The keynote will also delve into actionable strategies for organizations to adapt and thrive amidst demographic shifts.

Mahir Nisar is the Principal at the Nisar Law Group, P.C., a boutique employment litigation firm dedicated to representing employees who have experienced discrimination within the workplace. Mahir has developed a stellar reputation for effectively advocating for his clients through his many years of practice as a civil litigator.
Legal Discussion: How Companies Can Reduce Workplace Ageism, 15 October
In this roundtable discussion, hear from the expertise of employment attorneys Mahir Nisar and Peter Romer-Friedman to address how companies can reduce workplace ageism. Dialog will touch on insights into legal frameworks, best practices for preventing age discrimination, and strategies for fostering an inclusive work environment. Learn from real-world examples and legal cases that highlight successful approaches to combating ageism. Join us for a compelling discussion on creating a workplace where employees of all ages are valued and respected.

Graham Pearce is a principal consultant with Mercer’s Multinational Client Group providing strategic advice and project and relationship management to multinationals. He is also the Global Defined Benefit Segment Leader helping multinationals manage their people, reward, and benefit plan strategies, systems, and other issues outside the home country and with topics that cross international boundaries.
Longevity Economy Principles: The Foundation for a Financialy Resilient Future, 16 October
In this insights report, Graham will delve into the economic opportunities presented by an ageing population and explore the key principles for building financial resilience and leveraging the longevity economy. Attendees will gain insights into strategies for businesses and policymakers to adapt to demographic changes, unlock the potential of older adults as consumers and contributors, and highlight actionable steps to create a sustainable and inclusive financial future.

Ed (Eddie) Prentiss leads creative teams across multiple disciplines, including all the creative work the agency produces and acts as the lead in creative department.
He is also the founder of Brainco, one of the top schools for advertising and design students in the country, as recognized by Creativity Magazine.
Addressing Ageism in Media, 15 October
In today’s media landscape, ageism is a significant, yet often ignored issue. From TV advertisements to influencers on social platforms, the world of media impacts how older adults are portrayed and perceived in society. This presentation shines a light on examples of ageism across multiple media channels and explores some of the root causes of ageism in the media. The goal? To inspire a shift towards a media environment that respects and reflects the experiences and contributions of all ages.

Peter Romer-Friedman is Founder of PRF Law PLLC. He is dedicated to bringing legal actions against companies and governments to get justice for clients, stop harmful practices, reform policies, shape the law, and make lasting change. He advocate for our clients to achieve positive results for them and our society—individual and class action cases in courts and administrative agencies, private negotiations and settlements, telling clients’ stories in the media, and connecting with federal, state, and local officials.
Legal Discussion: How Companies Can Reduce Workplace Ageism, 15 October
In this roundtable discussion, Megan will draw on the expertise of employment attorneys Peter Romer-Friedman and Mahir Nisar to address how companies can reduce workplace ageism. Dialog will touch on insights into legal frameworks, best practices for preventing age discrimination, and strategies for fostering an inclusive work environment. Learn from real-world examples and legal cases that highlight successful approaches to combating ageism. Join us for a compelling discussion on creating a workplace where employees of all ages are valued and respected.

Lin Shi is a principal actuarial consultant with Mercer’s multinational consulting team. She has over 10 years of experience helping global organizations with their benefits strategies for employees across all ages in the workforce, with a focus on financial wellbeing. Lin received a Fulbright-Schuman fellowship to study pension economics and labor force exit trends across the European Union, and was later honored as a Fulbright Ambassador.
Longevity Economy Principles: The Foundation for a Financially Resilient Future, 15 October
In this insights report, Lin will delve into the economic opportunities presented by an ageing population and explore the key principles for building financial resilience and leveraging the longevity economy. Attendees will gain insights into strategies for businesses and policymakers to adapt to demographic changes, unlock the potential of older adults as consumers and contributors, and highlight actionable steps to create a sustainable and inclusive financial future.

Shruti Singh leads the OECD’s work on ageing and employment policies. She joined the OECD in 2007 as an economist, and has since then, led and co-authored
several landmark reports in the area of disability, mental health and
work policies. Shruti has also written extensively on a wide range of labour market policy issues including Active Labour Market Policies and Displaced Workers policies aimed at labour-market reintegration of the
The Mid-Career Opportunity: Meeting the Challenges of An Ageing Workforce, 16 October
Shruti will cover highlights from “The Mid-Career Opportunity: Meeting the Challenges of An Ageing Workforce,” a collaboration between Generation and the OECD. The report shows the increasing need for policies and practices that support mid-career workers in skill development and career transitions and actionable strategies for organizations to adapt and thrive amidst demographic shifts.

David Tarr is CEO and Founder of Maturious, a Sydney-based tech startup specialising in matching mature-age talent with roles that eliminate ageism in hiring. Partnering with diverse companies, David champions “learnability” in mature candidates, broadening talent pools to reflect society and gain a competitive edge. He advocates for adaptable job roles and skills, urging companies to innovate employment models to leverage mature-age workforce potential.
Ensuring Talent Thrives: Strategies for Sustainable Workforces, 17 October
Discover how mature-age talent and companies can flourish through innovative talent strategies. Explore customised pathways for hiring and retaining mature-age workers, ensuring resilience and success in today’s dynamic workplace landscape.

Claudia Vaccarone is an inclusion, gender and diversity in media advisor with over 20 years of international experience in media, tech and broadcasting. She advises organizations worldwide on how to develop inclusive cultures and articulate inclusion strategies. She trains newsrooms on inclusive communications, creative executives and marketing teams on un-stereotyped portrayal. She is the author of the 2019 All Things Being Equal Guidelines report. She has worked with Netflix, the EBU, Swissinfo on award winning projects.
Ageism in the Spotlight: Media’s Role in Redefining Age Perceptionsm , 16 October
The session addresses the intrinsic ageism in the media and its broader cultural impact. The keynote will explore how media representations shape societal perceptions of ageing and older adults, often perpetuating stereotypes and discrimination. It will provide insights into the role of journalists, content creators and brands in crafting more accurate and respectful portrayals of all ages. Attendees will learn media literacy foundations to recognize and interrupt age bias in language, portrayal and any content.

Janine Vanderburg, CEO, Encore Roadmap, educates employers about the business case for older workers and intergenerational teams, while advocating for age-inclusive policies. Janine co-founded Changing the Narrative in 2018 to address ageism, deploying her social change experience gained from over 3 decades of consulting with leading changemakers across the U.S. In 2019 she launched its award-winning Age-Friendly Workplace Initiative. Changing the Narrative received the 2024 American Society on Aging’s Award for Success in Diminishing Ageism.
Tear Down This (Generational) Chart! 15 October
Generational stereotyping in the workplace—popularized in generational differences charts and
consulting—reflects and reinforces societal ageist assumptions made about younger and older
people, and interferes with team problem-solving, productivity and profitability. Janine will share some tools and exercises she uses in employer workshops with to leverage the benefits of all-aged teams.